
catch up

I know what you're thinking...What, Christmas pictures when it was a month ago?! And my answer is...Yeah, I'm a BIG slacker! BUT, I did just go TODAY with our friends (Chad, Nicole and Ben) to the Winter Carnival in St. Paul to check out the ice-sculptures and that picture is here today as well...how is that for promptness?! Now quit your whinin' and look at my cute pictures!

The kids at Christmas--Alix, Matt, Abby, Libby (at Sharon and Ed's)

Alix opening her stocking from Santa

We were thrilled to have my brother Mike, Sister-in-law Lindsay, and our beautiful nephew/cousin Marek join us for the holidays all the way from Colorado. Here is Marek with his fire engine.

Alix got the one present she really wanted...an i-pod. It was really a gift for all of us...she gets to enjoy listening to Hannah Montana and the Jonas Bros. and I get to enjoy NOT listening to Hannah Montana and the Jonas Bros!

Alix and Ben at the Winter Carnival...they are quite the pair of cuties!

bell peppers and forehead tattoos

Baby Lu-lu is now 18 weeks old! It seems like just last week she was only 17 weeks old ;) ...how time flies! Ha...I wish! Maybe it's because it's winter and below zero, maybe it's because nightfall seems to start right after lunch, but most likely it's because I am counting down every day until Lu-lu arrives, but whatever the reason-- time seems to be crawling by at a snails pace these days. Still it's hard to believe that in two more weeks I will be halfway through this pregnancy.

Here's the data on the little one:
Head to bottom, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper), and she weighs almost 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs — movements that you'll likely start noticing more and more. Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around her nerves, a process that will continue for a year after she's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If your baby is a boy , his genitals are noticeable, though he may hide them from you during an ultrasound

Speaking of babies...I was recently reading Eat, Pray, Love and there was a line that cracked me up. It said that having a baby is kind of like getting a tattoo on your forehead...you better really want it! What a great statement! I have two tattoos, but somehow I am not ready for one on my forehead...thank goodness I think I am ready for this little munchkin to be part of my/our life. Maybe the forehead tattoo will come next...do you think I would look good with a flower or lizard up there?


ohhhh, and this...

from wonderfulgraffiti.com...they are words/designs that you can create and they just stick to the wall. I am definitely going to try this...now if only I had a quote for the nursery. I am thinking..."I love you to the moon...and back!" from Guess How Much I Love You...that lovable nutbrown hare--he is just the cutest! This is a monogram, but I'd definitely get writing of some sort.

ohhhh, Baby Stuff!

I have become addicted to wanting fun baby stuff. I know, I know, you are probably thinking what my mom keeps saying, "you still have 5 months left"...but I see cute baby stuff and I want it. Maybe it's because we aren't finding out the sex, but unlike most mom's I don't see cute outfits and want them, I see cute carriers, bedding, slings, diaper bags...accessories more or less. Stuff, I probably don't really need, but sure looks cute! Or maybe it's because we are not buying a bunch of things new. Lu-lu is getting Alix's old dresser, a crib from craigslist (if we can ever find we like and doesn't have recalls on it ;), and borrowed almost everything else (bouncy chairs, swings, etc) I guess that doesn't leave me much to really need/dream of, so I've turned my focus to fun "extras". Here are some of my favorites!


Sorry, I haven't written, but...

I didn't want to interrupt my continual eating ;) I have made numerous attempts to get on here and update, but it is so hard to type and eat oranges (or oreos) at the same time. I will try to do better. At least now that my energy level allows me to stay up past 8:00 (it is 9:30 as I type) there will be more opportunities to eat...I mean... get on here and keep things up to date. Unfortunately, I have raisins waiting right now. I guess I will just have to bullet up the highlights of the new year for you, so I can back to my real priority...

*I cut my hair...pretty short. It's at the hairline in back and jawline in front. No more ponytails for me...at least for a while.
*Our holidays were wonderful. We enjoyed lots of time with family, including my brother, sister-in-law, and one year old nephew who came in from Colorado. Little Marek was such a cutie as we wowed us all with his impression of Santa Claus.
*Lu-lu is doing well as of last appt. I will go back next week for an update and On January 31 for our big ultrasound. We are not finding out the sex of LU-lu, but it will be nice to hopefully see that things are still progressing well.
*I am getting fat...duh...I don't stop eating, so it was inevitable really.
*I have started walking regularly again...3 miles has never seemed so long...I really must get a TV hooked up near the treadmill!
*Steve is still as patient as ever!
*Alix has stated that Lu-lu will have to live with one of you if he is just Lu...no more boys allowed I guess. I'm not sure how that all will work, but she seems to have her mind made up ;)

Happy Eating...I mean, New year... everyone!