
Anna Catherine Bellus Penz's Dedication

This past Sunday Anna took part in our church's Celebration of New Lives. Think Baptism, but without the fancy gowns (although she did look purty in her argyle dress!), cleansing away of original sin (this is not an idea that our church embraces) and the godparents (I'm counting on everyone to help Anna along her spiritual path.) This ceremony signified a public commitment to the child by both us as her parents and by the congregation. I feel so proud that Anna will have the support of such wonderful people as she grows and begins to follow her own spiritual path...I know doing so will allow her to live a life full of integrity and joy! We followed up the event with a small family gathering at our house. It was fun to have everyone together for the day!

Wow, that's not a great picture (but it's the only one we have of the actual ceremony)

The "after party"

Our latest progression--Anna in her bumbo seat

I like it...wait....no I don't...get me out of here!!

More Pictures:

Bath Time Fun...this is actually one of Anna's favorite places. She LOVES the water and splashing around. We like to do funky stuff with her hair. Good times for everyone ;)

Sleeping...there is no bad place to do it!