

This weekend was spent once again being busy...from Highland fest Friday night where we got to watch Dave Mordal from the last comic standing bomb on the stage, to viewing the fun art, to watching steve chow down on cheese curds, footlong hotdog, gyro and mini donuts (plus whatever he snuck in when he wasn't in our sight ;) To Ann Reed concert on Saturday night with Amy (more to come on that.) To a nice get together with Steve's friends Joel and Jamie (and their little one Taylor...Tori got to stay with grandma and grandpa)on Sunday night. A whirlwind of fun for all!

Speaking of Ann Reed...if you don't know her work, I'll just say that she is a liberal minded lady with a folky kind of music. The venue (Riverview Cafe) was a small intimate one and yes, it was filled with a lot of lesbians (as Ann is one herself), but I found her music to be filled with messages that really spoke to the heart and transcended era as well as race and sexual orientation. As a matter of fact all of her inspirational music got me started thinking a lot about my dreams and the mark that I'd like to leave on the world. So, for the sake of putting it in print, I am going to share my dream. I hope that some day when I strike it big... in teaching (LOL :)... you will all remind me of what I am about to share and push me to make it a reality.

MY DREAM...after Alix was born I found that one of my biggest challenges with daycare. It is EXPENSIVE! For a single mom working with a small income (even as a college educated professional I was making measly money in my Catholic school job...and seeing as they booted me--more or less--when I was pregnant I was forced to lose my benefits and be dealing with paying for health ins. as well--as many pregnant women do) I soon realized that even with the daycare aid I was getting (yes, a educated working professional on welfare), paying for the care I needed was a huge challenge. Luckily, I had support and guidance of my family...as well as the opportunity to find a higher paying job in the public schools. So, you are asking--What is the dream already?!?! So...here it is...Affordable Daycare! Well, I wish I could actually make that happen, but unfortunately I don't think I have it in me to become a politician, so my dream is a little more specific...I would like to buy a home in the inner city, spruce it up, and then staff it with volunteers--made up of retired (or past) teachers. I would then offer affordable daycare to low income single moms who are interested in, or already attending, programs to better their lives. We would be able to offer the expertise of teaching.... in teaching these children everything they need to be ready to attend school, in teaching their parents (tutoring) as they are working towards an education that will better their lives, and in educating the community-- that when you take away the burden of trying to find affordable child care people are willing...and really WANT TO...help themselves up and create a better life for themselves and their child(ren). I know it's more complicated than what I make it out to be here, but I believe it is very realistic. Caring people, a place in a location that would be accessible to these families, and a lot of Love is all it would really take. Even if it could only reach 10 families it would be a step in the right direction...a step to a better life...a life full of opportunity. That is it... that is my dream--a day care staffed by teachers for single moms who want to get an education that will lift their family up. Perhaps someday it won't merely be a dream.

Enjoy your week everyone! Steve is off to San Diego until Friday, so Alix and I will be here alone :( eating Leann Chin and leaving the house a mess ;) By the way... Yesterday was our one month mark of being married! How time flies!! Steve brought me a beautiful purple hydrangea (just like at the wedding) to celebrate (he's so sweet!)...I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life (and not just b/c he gave me a flower, but b/c he is the most caring man I have ever met!)