
My new Joe Mauer baseball bat has arrived!

Too bad I have to give it away! OK, it's not really too bad since it's going to a good cause (we'll draw one winner from those who donate), but it's kind of fun to have it in my house. This week we had our staff meeting and I received the opportunity to share my plan for the scholarship. Everyone seemed very enthusiastic and I heard a lot of positive feedback, so I went away from it all feeling like I am headed in the right direction! I have recently given some thought to trying to set up a fundraiser pancake breakfast at Applebees. I'm not sure how deep I want to get into this project, but at the same time I feel that since I started this I should go big, or go home...so, I am going to call tomorrow (if I say it I have to do it, right?!)--hopefully the meetings at school will subside and I'll actually have time to get it done. It would be wonderful to actually be able to give someone a meaningful amount of money towards their educational pursuits. Honestly, my biggest concern at this time is that our school community will not pull through, I don't mean the teachers/staff, but the actual families. Money is tight and most of our families are in the low-mid to low income range, so it may not be the best time to ask for donations. It is important to me that the Pullman community buys into the idea that lifelong education is important and worth sacrificing for...so I have my fingers crossed. I guess time will tell. I'll keep everyone updated on how things are going. Thanks for everyone's interest and support!

Oh yes, and I also received my very first donation from one of my sister's students. Amy had read them my plan and apparently her student donated in her parent's name as their Christmas gift. I couldn't be more grateful that she cared enough to share in my endeavor. I promise to make it a donation she, and her parents, can be proud of!