
Hello Everyone

hi everyone, it's anna. I just turned 7 mos so I thought it was about time to start blogging. I have learned to do a lot of cool things the past month, but mommy thinks I am growing up too fast. sometimes I see her get tears in her eyes when she looks at me. I know she is excited for all my new tricks, but I also know that she will miss all the baby things I used to do (even though I thought laying around and "cuddling" was kind of boring.) I am ready to get out into the world and be a mover and a shaker...hopefully mommy and daddy can keep up!! I'm not one to brag, but just this month

*I got really good at sitting up by myself...and can now even sometimes bring myself from tummy to sitting.
*I learned to crawl...I started kind of slow, but I am super fast now!
*I can pull myself to standing on just about anything. My favorite place to stand is my musical table and my crib, but if there's something to grab onto I can get up (unless I bump my head and start to cry instead.) Mommy thought this was cute at first, but now I think she gets annoyed when it's time to go to bed and I want to play the crib stand up game. (I personally think it funny the way she has to keep coming in to put me back down...ha, ha...who's in charge now?!)
*I can cruise around furniture, slowly but surely. Usually I'd rather just hang around my musical table (did I mention it's my favorite?!) but if I'm motivated enough I can move around to get other places too. Mommy once said that she can see the wheels turning in my head when it comes time for me to reach and turn to get to my next spot. Sometimes I'm not sure if I can make it, but luckily I'm a daredevil so I go for it anyway. By the way, did you know it hurts when you fall backwards and hit your head? OUCH!
*I can wave...mommy knows this trick (she's seen me do it several times when someone comes into view and says hi to me), but daddy isn't quite so convinced. Kelly (my daycare mom) has seen it though, so the girls win this fight...again! I think I'm going to keep this one a secret for a while, but soon enough I'll let everyone see.
*I can stand unassisted for short periods of time...when they can trick me into standing still long enough. Usually I'd rather be bouncing, walking, or standing at my musical table.

Boy, I've come a long way in one short month...I wonder what tricks I'll learn this next month?

Good talking to you all. Hopefully I'll learn to do some of my signs soon enough, that way when I see you in person I can at least say hello and tell you the important things (like I want "more".)

Lots of love,

here I go...watch what I do next

I'm on my way up...watch out you crazy doggie!

And success!! (see I don't even need two hands anymore.)

These are just me being cute: