
11 weeks...Jury Duty...and no family vacation

Happy Holiday wishes from all 6 of us!

Well folks, 11 weeks and counting. Hopefully baby LuLu is still holdin' strong in there. We have another u/s in about a week, so I look forward to seeing her progress! I am feeling slightly better recently...less nauseous! and instead of exhuasted I am merely really tired. Hopefully it's just a week or two before I turn the bend completely and I will have an energy burst right in time for Christmas! In the meantime Steve has really been picking up the slack and taking care of almost everything around the house. He is a godsend and a man of true patience with me these days. I love him so much!

Jury Duty next week for me....good times! At least I'll have a break from crazy kids and all the noise for a while. God bless 'em, for the most part they are sweet little things, but sometimes you just want some grown up time...even if it is spent hearing about crazy criminals.

No family trip out to CO this winter :( With Lulu on the way and me not able to ski/snowboard or sit in the hottub, we decided to cancel. I am very sad...just when I was starting to be able to snowboard some real hills! Hopefully we'll be back on next year! I will sure miss the CO mountains and the family time out there this year. Perhaps a trip in the summertime for some mtn. biking and hiking will be in order instead...

Well, that is all the news for the Bellus-Penz family of late. We are pretty boring as I go to bed around 8...steve amuses himself with TV, and late-night winter night runs... and Alix is just busy being a 10 year old.