
Anna's update and new "trick"

We visited the doctor for our 6 mos check-up on Monday. We were a little late, but it seems that our doctor also has kids and so her vacations from work often mesh with my vacations from school, but that's alright because we LOVE her! Dr. Jaeger gave Anna a clean bill of health and let us know that she was right on schedule. She was also sure that Anna was going to a mover and shaker and keep us on our toes. We would have to agree! Anna weighed in at 18lbs (85th %) and 26.5 inches (75th %) her head measured right in the middle at the 80th percentile. Anna got her four shots and she was none to happy about that. She already felt pretty crappy due to the cold we've been passing around the family, so it kind of added insult to injury. She has since recovered (from the shots, not the cold) and is back to her usual perky self.

Anna has also been working on some new "tricks". Enjoy the video below of her latest (enjoy the "comb-over" she has going on as well ;)

She also has something in the works that is sure to be videotaped soon...stay tuned.