
Big Shots

Alix is now one of the "big shots" at her school...6th grade. It's hard to believe it, but my little girl isn't so little anymore. Her school is K-6, so it's not until next year that she'll transition to all of the craziness of Jr. High...thankfully! For now I am lucky that she LOVES school and is a hard worker (most of the time ;) Here she is on her first day of sixth grade...

Anna also had "big shots" today. It was her first well visit and not only did she get a clean bill of health, but she also got 3 shots (and she was none too happy about it according to dad, who was the one to take her to the appointment. Luckily, I was at work and missed all the screaming.) Apparently she is growing, growing, growing...2 inches in length (80th percentile) and up almost 2.5 lbs (90th percentile). A healthy and happy little girl!

Here she is 2 mos. old today!!

and a sly little wink just for fun

Way to go Lou-lu!!

Go Lou-lu!! 7.5 hours last night. That makes 2- 7 hour nights this week. Keep it up little lu! This could not be better timing. Baby starts to sleep through the night (fingers crossed this is not just a fluke) and I go back to work all at the same time?! Is it too good to be true? If my luck keeps up like this the next thing you know Steve will have a job.