
Deadliest Catch

Ah, the season begins (and I don't just mean Steve's favorite show on the Discovery channel about crab catching on the Bering Sea, although, that season has also begun...unfortunately for me ;) Last night the dog had to go out about 4:00 and would not come back in...he's stubborn that way sometime. No worries, Steve thought, I'll just leave him out there and "teach him a lesson" Yes, because dogs do not like to be outside when no humans are watching ;) Well, When I get up for work this morning I go out to get our doggie friend...and he is not there! Panic ensues, b/c Dino has gotten out before and the outcome was not pretty. I check the gate, and it is indeed open (I wonder who left the gate by the hose open??? Hmmmm...I won't mention any names, but a wonderful man I live with did mention trying to water the grass a bit before work yesterday ;) This led to a mad search in my PJs and after a few calls down the street to our friend Dino he trotted back down the street in the morning dawn with something in his mouth. It looked like a rag and I almost went to grab it...then I decided to just get him inside the gate instead. Good thing I did, because our doggie Dino has been taking lessons from our other furry friend, Honey-cat, and came home with a nicely chewed up Bunny in his clenches. Finally, I lured Dino away with a rawhide and got him inside safely...whew! I left the chewed up bunnny in the backyard for Steve to clean up. I'm pretty sure I remember my doctor mentioning some rule against touching dead bunnies when you're pregnant ;) Great...now we have 2 bunny killers in the house...just what I needed!