
My first NEW car

So, a mere 35 years into my life I have bought (ok, Steve and I have bought) my (ok, our)first truly new car! Sure I've had "new to me" cars, but this is the first one that has 0 miles on it and is all mine (ok, and Steve's ;) I don't know why that excites me, since I know it just depreciates as soon as it is driven off the lot, but yet it does. I guess it's like the passing of some life milestone that I can now check off my list.

Anyway, after weeks and weeks of looking and changing our minds and rethinking and looking--mitsubishi outlander...santa fe...crv...forester...crv...outlander...ugh...we ended up right where we first started, looking at a Subaru Forester. We kept getting drawn back to the more car-like feel and well-known reputation, but we were ultimately sucked in with the affordable price-tag. We were thrilled that they had decided to come up with a newly restyled model for '09 and were looking to get rid of the '08's in a hurry. Sure that meant we didn't end up with the color we wanted (*sigh* no silver left in stock and no more orders going out), but we gladly traded the color choice for killer financing for the term of our loan and huge rebate...not to mention the rear cargo mat we made them thow in for Dino ;) Quite a deal that left our monthly payments at a price we could not only afford, but that were thrilled with! If there is one thing my parents have taught me well (and I think Steve would say the same for his parents), it is that practicality is the best bet in the long run...and this car was truly the most practical(albeit not the fanciest)of our choices. Thanks mom and dad (and Ed and Sharron), it is lesson that is sure to treat us right throughout our lives.

The Passing of a Generation

It is always hard when a family member passes away. It is somewhat easier when you are thankful that it was a quick passing with much less suffering than can sometimes be the case when a prolonged cancer illness is involved. So, I have mixed emotions as I talk about the death and remember the life of my Grandma Bellus. Although we were never close, as is often the case when you live in different states and get to visit a relative once a year (at most), I always held a strong admiration for the woman she was. I won't go as far as to say that we shared much in common, different generations often do not, but I do like to think we shared one thing...being a strong woman. I will remember Grandma Bellus as... a strong personality...a war veteran...a mother if 4, grandmother to 11 (hope I am counting correctly!), and great grandmother to 2.5...a widow who survived, and more importantly continued to thrive, for many many years after the death of her husband...a clog dancer...an active woman. I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to share so many moments with her. She will be missed.