
There's gotta be a window to crawl through somewhere!

I guess they say, when a door closes a window opens. So, Steve is now looking for this elusive open window. Yep, the failing Cash Systems Inc.(Steve's employer) was bought by what is apparently the biggest cash access business around. what does that mean? Who knows. All I know is that it leaves my wonderful hubby out of a job as of today. I know that losing a job is never fun, and hunting for a new job is even less fun, but I've also come to realize that this crazy little thing we call life has a way of working itself out in the long run. Steve is one of the hardest working people I know...any company should find themselves lucky to have him. The best part of all this madness is that this gives Steve a wonderful oportunity to find a job where he feels fulfilled and challenged. Here's to new opportunities that await...now, where is that damn open window???

Meetin' and Greetin'

On August 10th we held a family meet and greet BBQ for Anna. This was a great chance for us to be forced to clean our home, as well as have our extended family over so they could meet Anna before our next scheduled get together in November for Thanksgiving...when she'll look much different and not be a "baby" anymore. It was a beautiful day, filled with wonderful family...the makings of a great memory!

We were also lucky enough that this event brought my bro (Mike) our sis-in-law (Lindsay) and our one and a half year old nephew (Marek) to town for a visit. It is so hard to go months at a time without seeing them, especially now that there is a little one to watch grow up! Last time we saw Marek it was Christmas and he couldn't even walk...now he's walking/running and talking up a storm. We had a chance to go up to the cabin where his favorite activity was cutting the grass with his plastic mower...he must have said, "mowing, mowing" about a hundred times throughout the weekend...he was so excited to cut that grass...what a cutie!!! We also enjoyed a fun time on his first trip to the zoo. It's amazing to think that in a little over a year that's what Anna will be like.

Enjoying some good company on the patio during the meet and greet BBQ

Anna meets Mackenzie at the BBQ

BBQ fun

Big Kisses from Marek to baby Anna

Marek...such a big boy!