
78 days...38 days...and the countdowns begin!

77 days until Lou-lu is "expected" to arrive...let's hope this one makes an apppearance earlier than his/her sister did (15 days late...ugh!) It's nice to see my weekends packed full of activities, and I hope that will make the time fly by...it seemed to be creeping all winter.

38 school days left until Summer Vacation!! Woohoooooooo!! (that's 8 weeks...8 weeks...that sounds SO short...YEA!) And there is more good news-- I will be back at the same grade level and school next year!! I was thinking I'd have to bid into another position (my job was a one year temporary position), but for one time in my life HR was my friend and it looks like my principal will be able to realign me back into my position for another one year temporary stint. I would've loved a full time position, but with a baby on the way I'll take what I can get. Sure beats having to pack up and haul my stuff to a new building and perhaps work with a new grade/staff next year! This will be the first time in about 5 years that I have been in the same school/grade for 2 years in a row!!

I should also mention it is only 39 days until my sweet little munchkin turns 11 years old! I can not believe that she is so big...where does the time go?! Next thing I know she'll be driving Lou-lu to kindergarten...yes, I did say "driving"! Oh my!!