
Tick Tock

Tick Tock...just shy of 38 week update...

Progress is progress, right?! I am now 1cm and the cervix has begun to soften up a bit more, not to mention the baby has dropped a bit lower. All good signs, since with Alix (who was 2weeks late) I never got any of that ;) I don't put too much stock in any of the internal info though, since people can walk around at 3cm for weeks and others go into labor with never having had any progress to speak of. Nonetheless, mentally, minimal progress is easier to hear than no progress. So, for now, I'll keep trying out each and every old wives tale and walk lots in hopes of getting little lou-lu to show up here a little earlier. I don't really have any other way to kill the time anyway. If Lou-lu doesn't arrive by the due date I will be induced on July 2nd. So, if nothing else there is a "for-sure" end in sight. I'm sure time will fly by between now and then...HA!

On a less happy note...I tested positive for Strep B. I know the majority of newborns are born healthy with the help of antibiotics (to me) during labor, but it is scarey to think about nonetheless (can result in meningitis, kidney problems, sepsis, etc in babies). My doctor told me not to wait too long before coming to the hospital so they can be sure to get at least one round of antibiotics in my system before lou-lu make his/her appearance (it takes 4 hours)...so I will now err on the side of caution when the time does arrive. Last time Alix came pretty fast once the contractions started and I don't want to take any chances!!

And so...time goes on...there is little excitement in our lives between now and baby's arrival, so I don't even have much to keep me busy. I guess I'll just take it easy and look forward to each morning I have to sleep in!