
25 week belly...sooooooo big.

Ugh, it just keeps getting bigger!!! I have 15w to go...I may burst before I get there :( I went to Dr. appt last week and found out that I'm measuring 1 week ahead, so here's hoping by next appt. it's 2 weeks and I can end this whole thing a little early ;) In a couple of weeks we go back for another ultra sound and the whole gestational diabetes screening...fun, fun!!

Blue is unisex, right?!

Steve went out of town, so Alix and I decided to get crazy and do some nursery painting. Our nursery will be far from traditional with lots of bright colors. Our walls are getting painted a light aquaish-blue (which Alix thinks is too boy-y...although when asked what color she would like her room painted next, her answer is, "blue" ;) And there will be lime green and orange paint accents... with lots of other colors in the bedding. Anyway,that's the long version of me saying... the painting has begun!! One wall done and 3 to go (a big fat pregnant lady and a 10 year old can only move so fast you know.) Here are the first pix of baby Lou-lu's soon to be new digs.

Alix on roller duty

You can't read it in the picture, but Alix painted, "by your big sis Alix" on the wall.

Danger--middle heavy lady on a ladder trying to paint up high...watch out below!!

"Soul Fluffer"

At my dad's retirement the other night, we ran into an old family friend whose daughter I had gone to HS with. She was the kind of girl that should've been born in the 60's...she was extremely popular...a friend to everyone...an intellectual...sporty...a real role model when it came to being your own self...a great friend...an INDIVIDUAL (which is sometimes hard to find in HS.) Anyway, her dad said that she was living in Sedona. I asked what she was doing there and he replied, "she's a SOUL FLUFFER". I chuckled. He said for a "small fee"...which didn't sound so small, she would do things like go out to the red rocks and do a private meditation for you...you know, fluff your soul when it seemed that it was a little deflated. Well, first off I thought...I love that term...i need to find a way to work that into my life! Secondly, I thought, "That is not something I would be good at." I wish I was always the sunny side up kind of gal, but most of the time I'd probaby be better at soul stomping than soul fluffing. Still it seemed like the kind of job my friend would be awesome at...and once again I was amazed at what an individual she has remained throughout the years. I guess I was jealous...a bit. My life sometimes seem so "normal", so "run of the mill", and although I am extremely happy at this moment, I do often wonder why it is so easy for some to find, and live, their individuality...while for me it seems like such an ongoing struggle. Well, I guess as long as it remains a struggle and I do not give up creating who I am that all is not lost.