
What to write about now?

So, life has pretty much returned to normal, but now I'm wondering what in the world do I write about. My sister said that my entry on Sangria proved the point that our lives are really just too boring to have anything interesting to share that others care about. Somehow, I think that's ok. So, from now on you will probably have to read incessant babble about the lame things I do on a daily basis and about what my weird little mind thinks about them. To start you off...

For some reason I haven't been too good about making paragraphs on this thing...I will learn the trick soon, until then good luck deciphering my everchanging topics :)

No matter how much of a grammar nazi I pretend to be (is that politically incorrect?!) I must say that all rules regarding grammar and spelling go out the window on this thing. I do my best to type quickly so that my lil one can get on her darned webkins website or so that I can make dinner (ha!) Anyway, don't expect all my me's to be I's and all my goods to be wells...but I will try (for my mommy who I know it bothers so much) and because my daddy learned me well and I don't want him to be embarrassed.

Steve and I went biking on the 4th of July. It was the first time out on my road bike in over a year and it felt really good (well, my achilles didn't, but the rest of me did.) I miss being on my bike! Towards the end of the ride we ended up at M'haha Falls and so we decided to stop and have a little snack at Sea Salt. I'd heard they have great, fresh seafood and it was a GORGEOUS day to sit outside and enjoy. We had to wait a while, but sitting outside on a beautiful day made the wait part of the fun. However, when they brought out my food, I was very surprised to see little legs on my shrimpy. Why would they leave these on? It was all I could do to pull them off before eating the little guy. From there it only got worse as I found what I figure to be a little poo still left in it...it was all fish from that point on. Speaking of which....the grilled tilapia tacos were pretty yummy! I recommend the spot for it's scenic beauty, but you'd probably have to be a bigger seafood junkie than me (who doesn't even really like anything other than fish) to get the full flavor of the place...oh yeah, and if you go on a holiday or weekend afternoon, be ready for a line :)