
Prepartum blues (It's my blog...I can whine if I want to ;)

For some reason I have been a bit depressed lately...or maybe I'm just tired...that is, tired of this big belly! I know...some people would love to be pregnant...and others just love being pregnant, but I can't help thinking that right now I would give just about anything to feel "normal" again. I'm tired of looking in the mirror, or catching a quick glance at my reflection, and seeing this HUGE lady walk by and wondering, "who is that?!" I'm tired of other people asking me, "when are you due?!" in that way that you know means, "how could you possibly be that big and still have 2 1/2 mos. to go?!" I'm tired of looking at cute "little" pregnant ladies and wishing I could be one of them, looking so put together with that glow I hear so much about...I'm tired of not having any clothes that fit or flatter my new figure. I'm tired...just plain tired...and I know there is more 2.5 more months of growing belly...awkward comments...sideways glances of shock...ugly outfits...to come.

What I wouldn't give for summer to come now, so I could be done working and just hole up in my nice little house and not have go out into this big bad ugly world full of people who probably mean well...but just make me feel, "ugh!" about being pregnant?!?!?! To top if off, I think exercising/eating right is just making me feel worse. I have been finding more time to walk, am doing prenatal yoga, have been making good food choices...and although these are all good things, I just know that it won't stop the inevitable...

Did I mention that the coffee shop down the street had my favorite coffee listed on the board this morning, but then after she served it to me said, "It's really Highlander Grogg (the ickiest thing they serve), I just forgot to change the board." If that isn't proof that I need some positive vibes in my life, what is? ;)