
Birthday fun!

So,I have been a total slacker lately. School and springtime has gotten the bast of me. Not really much has been new either, so I haven't had much to spout on and on about. What IS new is that Alix has turned 12!! We had a great family celebration this week, where we all enjoyed Alix's birthday dinner choice of crepes and trifle...YUMMY! She received some wonderful gifts and is growing into quite the young lady!! I am so proud.

Anna is growing up too. She has taken her first steps and although she doesn't seem too eager to do more than that, I'm sure it's just around the corner. Her new favorite trick is climbing UP her little slide outside. She is quite good at it and is keeping us on our toes since she can't quite figure out how to get down once she gets to the platform.

The basement...well, what do they say? "Slow and steady wins the race", right?! If that is the case then we are true winners ;) Dry wall goes up the first week in June, bathroom is finished a week or two later, and then it's all the finishing touches. We are using FLOR carpet tiles for the flooring, which should be interesting. I just pray it looks nice. We figure with a dog, cat, and 2 kids it is safer than regular carpet. This was just reinforced a week or so ago when Alix broke a whole bottle of red finger nail polish ALL over our living room area rug...which we had to throw out. I can't imagine what we would've done if it had been a whole room full of rug...I'll keep you updated as things come together.

Summer begins for us all on June 9th...YEA summer!! Alix is doing a week long tennis program and 2 weeks of a writing camp. Anna is going to daycare one day a week so she doesn't forget her friends over the summer. I am just going to try to work in some pool time now that Anna is old enough to get out in the sun. We all are hoping to visit the cabin more often this year than last as well...fingers crossed!!

Here are some recent pics:

I can't quite pull myself up...how about a little help Dino?

Dorky Daddy and Anna

The birthday girl...what do you think she's wishing for???

More birthday fun

Hmmm, that ended up being one BIG bag...maybe it'll be a beach bag?! I must choose those patterns more carefully.

Let's ride!

Reading is fun!

I'm cute ;)