
Smilin' Bob

All of the pieces have finally fallen into place for us and we have decided that it may indeed be time for us to look into adding to our family. We have located a beautiful furry friend in need at the Midwest Animal Recsue Services and we are hoping to bring him into our home. Now that I am not a single mom and have a little help, now that someone will be around if Steve has to travel, now that Alix is old enough to have some ownership/responsibility, and of course now that we have a fenced in yard, we couldn't imagine a better time to start sharing our adventures with another family member. Both Steve and I think dogs are wonderful additions to a family, so we are crossing our fingers and hoping they find us suitable dog owners...how could they not?!--Steve makes friends with every dog he comes across (and even talks to them, "roowoooroo"), Alix walks the neighbors dog several times a week for fun, and I...well I haven't lived with a dog since my great pyrenesse friend a few years ago and I can't wait to have a partner for my walks again!

The application process is a long one, which we think is quite nice. The people at the rescue definitely have the dogs best interest in mind and that is quite important to us. It is also nice to know that the dogs have lived in foster homes...as it will give us quite a good indication about Smilin' Bob's behavior around other animals and children. We submitted our application for adoption just the other day and have yet to hear anything from them, don't think Alix doesn't ask every two seconds if I think we'll get the dog or not (she has been lobbying for this for years!) But we have our fingers crossed (and we hope you'll cross yours too!) that soon we can meet Smilin' Bob and see in person if this really is a match made in doggie heaven!

Smilin' Bob's webpage-click to see him