
And the Diploma Please!

My cap is falling off, my hair is mussed, my flowers are all droopy...but I have my diploma in hand and can now call myself the holder of a master's degree!! At times I never thought this day would arrive...but thank god that it did ;) I've actually been done with classes for a couple of months now, but there was something very special about the day anyway...it wasn't the lame speaker that wasted 10 minutes of my precious weekend day, or the fact that I got to sit on a real comfy folding chair in the beautiful auditorium of the shrine center, or those crazy batwings of arms on my gown...but it WAS the one last time to see my cohort and appreciate the gifts each of them shared with me during our time together, it was the fact that my family was there to support me and cheer me on down the aisle (thanks mom, dad, amy and al!), it was hearing my name and seeing the hood be placed around my neck and knowing that all those nights I spent in front of the computer or reading some lame book was definitely worth the effort. When it comes right down to it...and I'm sure this will sound kind of full of myself... if I'm to be totally honest, I am quite proud of myself! Not for the academic stuff--I know I'm capable of doing well in that arena, but for finding the balance needed to complete the program while everything in life continued to go full speed ahead--changing jobs, being a single-mom, dating my future husband, training for a marathon, moving, etc. However, I won't pretend I did it by myself...it was actually due a great deal to the beautiful people you see below in my picture--my mom and dad! Without the support of them I never would have had the flexibility to keep the kind of schedule that allowed me to do all of the things that make me whole. It was nice to know that in a time of need Alix was in good hands and with people she loved, and who loved her! So, thank you mom and dad...thank you for your time, your support and your love! Now I am off to teach, but somehow I'm not sure much of what I learned in my master's program will come in handy on these last couple of days of school...perhaps I should have taken some type of survival courses instead ;)

My loving mom and dad celebrating with me on my big day!