
Spring Showers bring...wedding fun!

My future mother in law Sharron and Steve's dear cousin Deb were kind enough to through me a shower with the girls from the family. We had a great night celebrating the upcoming wedding at a local wine bar...Good Friends, Good Food, Good Wine...what more could a girl ask for?!

Another wonderful night full of family and friends came just a few nights later as Chad and Nicole Mc Guire hosted a wonderful couple's shower for us. Thankfully there are no pictures to share (nothing I hate more than taking pictures ;) but a good time was had by all and it was nice to see everyone one last time before the big day. It was also fun to meet new friends as the very pregnant, soon to be mom, Becky Leahy joined in the festivities. As far as I remember it was our first meeting (but my memory often fails me) and it was truly a pleasure! The night ended with a rousing game of Boy v Girl 80's Trivial pursuit in which the girls kicked the boys' asses (well, as far as I remember it anyway ;)

The crew at the wine bar...minus Susan who was taking the picture...thanks ladies!!