
I almost forgot...

We went to the zoo a few days ago. It was a beautiful day to walk around and see all the outside animals...unless you're a one year old that missed her morning nap. A breakdown ensued shortly after these adorable pictures of Anna at the park at the zoo and her and Alix feeding the giraffes. We walked 10 minutes back to the car with a screaming, writing, child...you know it's bad when even goldfish crackers can't cure the screams. We got a lot of looks of pity and a few "she must be tired" comments, but luckily no dirty looks. Enjoy the pics:

This is the look of a child waiting for her grandmother to figure out how to use the camera...she figured it out, but I'm not sure Alix knew it ;)

Luckily I got to cut me and my expression out of the picture. The giraffes long squirmy tongue kind of grossed me out, but didn't seem to bother Anna.
