
Pretty pics

Just a couple of pretty pics of the famly...springtime in MN is so beautiful! I can't believe I get to say family now...it really seems to have all come together. Although still a transition, espcecially for Alix (hard time of life to be getting a step-dad), I am so happy with the way everyone is doing their part to make it work. I feel truly blessed to have such a smart and beautiful daughter who has weathered many changes in her life, yet who has still come out as such a great kid. And I feel just as blessed to have such an amazing almost-husband who is so willing to learn and grow and work at becoming the best step-dad that he can be. I'm sure the road ahead will bring many challenges, but I also know it won't be anything we can't handle together!

33 more days until our family is official!

Damn...that is unfortunate

Now I come to find out...I guess I really always knew, so I must've just been in denial...that Sangria is really Spanish (duh! Exactly the reason I chose Spain as our honeymoon destination--just another reason to drink Sangria ;) and not Mexican. So, perhaps it was a poor choice for a Cinco de Mayo celebration...wait, is there really a wrong time for Sangria?! Now that it's tradition I guess I can get away with serving Sangria at every Cinco de Mayo and not feel the least bit bad. This worked out perfectly!

I wonder what else I am in denial about?! I'm sure you all have plenty of ideas ;)

She said, "Let there be sod, and there was sod!"

Instant gratification...what more needs to be said?! It is the American way of life (good or bad). A couple of hours on one beautiful Saturday morning and our lawn goes from weedy mess to lush green and gorgeous. It is a beautiful sight...now if we can just keep from killing it ;) Steve's dad and brother were kind enough to help and even I pitched in as we rolled the green carpet into its new home. It makes a huge difference and I couldn't be happier! Later during the weekend Steve braved the almost winter weather (brrrrrr....) to put some tomato and red pepper plants, along with a few herbs, into the garden and now the backyard is looking grand!

The transformation begins
Does the garden border go here...or here...or over here?
watering the lawn...this is way better than weeding it!
I am in love with our new green goddess!