
Let Summer Begin!!

Alix and I are both finally out of school and today we enjoyed our first day of summer vacation! Here is the excitement from day 1: Our drywall was started!! Anna went from walking 2-3 steps to a whole lot more (and being more brave about letting go of one object and heading toward another!) And, most importantly, the sun reappeared...finally after about a week of cloudy, rainy, yucky weather!

We're looking for a lot more excitement as the 80 days of summer pass by...Anna turns 1 soon, Alix will go to a tennis and writing camp, we'll get to hear about our family's amazing trips abroad (parents in Italy celebrating year 40 together and Amy in Kenya helping give a group of students their first experience with computers!), trips to the pool...and more trips to the pool, cabin adventures, and so much more...Stay Tuned!!

Here is what we've been up to:

We have walls!! And ceilings!!! I can't stop walking downstairs to look at it.

This is the 20 sq feet of tile I special ordered and then didn't like because it didn't match the other tile like I thought it would, but can't return...ahh, the joys of remodeling. Anyone need some gray hex tile??? I did order what I should have ordered all along. It means that our shower won't be done for 6-8 weeks, but it also means I won't have to regret putting in something that didn't match well, so I guess it'll balance out.

Alix being a ham...as usual

Steve's trip to the Boundary waters with his friend Chad, and Chad's Brother and Cousin (or was it uncle?). They say they had a good time, but I can't figure out how since it was cold, there were mosquitos, and they had to poo in a hole. I will take their word for it. The picture with the pinecones is Steve winning big as they were playing poker.

Anna walking

Anna's favorite past time...climbing up her little slide. We're still working on what to do once she gets up there :)