
Ugh, Leap Year

So all day I've been thinking...who the heck decided to put the extra day in the leap year during the month of February?! Does it really matter when we get the extra day? Couldn't it have been in July? Whoever in the world decided this must not have lived in MN!!

January went so slow for me...ugh, I hate to even think about it. Luckily February went whizzing by...even with the extra day! Now,I can hardly wait for March and what it will bring. Alix will be headed to Mexico for a fun vacation, Steve and I will be buying a new car (or so we hope!!), we will also be painting the baby's room, week 27 will arrive (and I'll be on to the third trimester--woohooo!), and ...only time will tell the rest! Hopefully it will be all good.

Happy March Everyone...hopefully yours will be good too!!