
My little punkin's picking pumpkins

OK, so we didn't actually pick the pumpkins...we got lazy after the apple orchard and decided to go to the local nursery to get out pumpkins. We found just the right ones to help us celebrate Anna's first Halloween! Unfortunately Anna was less than enthusiastic about the adventure--she's not feeling well--so no smiles to remember the event. We did stay away from tears just long enough to get a few photos:

Apple Orchard and Loose Meat

The gang, minus a few...not naming any names, Julie Ring and Amy Cook...all went to our annual apple orchard fest, followed by the famous maid-rite sandwiches at Chad and Nicole's. I must say this year I was underwhelmed by the actual orchard. We got about 5 min on the tractor after at least 3 times that long of waiting, followed by one apple stop, and then a walk past the broken down tractor to another waiting one for the last 2 minutes back to the apple lodge. After browsing the goods in the "market", we got a not so good deal on some honeycrisp and then we finally got smart and headed off to the Mc Guires where things took a turn in a positive direction. It was fun to hang out with everyone and catch up after what seems like much too long of an absence. The two pregnant ladies had cute little bellies (maybe not even as large as my non-pregnant one...sad but true) and it's always fun to see how much the little kiddos have grown. I hadn't seen Beckett since he was born a week after Anna and it was fun to see them together again...they grow so fast! Beckett is kickin' Anna's butt in the rolling over department...Anna seems content to just lay on her back and look up at the ceiling fan or lights...but they were both adorable and are sure to grow up enjoying each other's company at group gatherings. We finally headed home after a great afternoon of fall fun. Here are a few pix:

Sawyer eating his apple in front of the tractor

Alix picking the best apple on the tree

The Schloo girls...cute as ever!

Anna's first tractor ride

Anna's so advanced...picking her first apple

the kids

the kids...and the adults holding the kids