
A little of this, a little of that

For once I am not going to write an update about Anna or Alix. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, with the election and all. I must say that it's been a long time since I've been as moved by something as I was by this election. Honestly I usually go into election with an attitude of--heck, how bad could one person make it in 4 years? (Is Julie cringing right now?!) Sure, I always wanted "my guy" to win, but I never felt despaired if they didn't. This time was different though. I felt this election deep in my soul. It wasn't because of the tough economic times, or the fight to keep our rights, or even the war. It was about my need to feel proud of my country...and the lack of that feeling in my life right now. I wanted to be proud to be an American...not because we're the biggest or the strongest, but because we are a land of hope for people. I knew that Barack offered that hope. I hate to even use the word, "hope", since that was his buzz phrase and has been so overused...but I can think of no word that describes it better... what I felt was indeed "hope". I saw this hope when people of all races, economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and religions joined together in very grass root ways to support the candidate. I felt that hope when I watched the masses and masses of people waiting in line for hours to hear a man they couldn't even see (because they were at the back of the crowd) speak. I felt that hope when we moved beyond race to nominate him as our democratic choice despite concerns that the race hurdle might be too tall. I felt that hope when I heard my students talk about politics like they actually cared. I felt that hope when I read that one of my friends children looked at Obama and said mommy look, he's my color. I felt that hope when I began to look at Barack and not even notice that he was black anymore...all I saw was the future of our country and the promise that it held. I only hope that everyone else who felt this hope doesn't let it dwindle in the aftermath of the election, but instead takes to heart what they can do to make our country a place that is worth being hopeful about...not just these next four years, but for a lifetime.

Speaking of what we can do to make the hope survive...Our church gave out money to it's congregation about a month ago. Our family took an envelope out of the offering that had $40 in it. We were asked to use the money in a way that would allow it to give something back to the community in a meaningful and hopefully sustaining way. I had big plans for our $40, but then I let the ball drop. I think it is time again to get the ball rolling. I will post more about my plans soon. Please check back and offer any input/ideas that you might have.