
Long time...

Yes, it's been a long time. Back to school means back to business, and then there's that one year old that NEVER sits still...Anyway, the news (in bullet points...because I am lazy tonight):

*We have moved Anna upstairs to her "big girl" bedroom. We are now using her old teeny tiny room as our closet. Ahhh, it is so nice not to have our room so crammed with furniture! It's the walk-in I've always wanted.
*School is off to a good start for everyone. I am having a decent year...lots of kids who talk a LOT and have very LITTLE control of their bodies, but we are managing. Alix is loving Jr. HIgh...my little social butterfly is making new friends and learning how to make grades fit into the mix as well. Anna LOVES, loves, loves daycare and all her little friends (not to mention her caregiver Kelly.) I think she would be bored out of her mind if summer were to last any longer.
*Steve was kind enough to do well at his job and earn us a trip to Hawaii this winter (February). I have already been googling away on surfing lessons and snorkeling trips. I figure since we aren't paying for the trip we can live it up by doing everything we may never have the chance to do again.
*Did I mention, Anna never stops moving...ever. She is picking up some new words here and there. So far we are good with hi, dog, mama, dada, up...and some others that I swear I hear, but are awaiting confirmation by a second source.
*Oh yes, and there was some little thing about Steve running a marathon. He did great and did not embarrass me and my marathon time...so I will let him live ;) We all had a busy day cheering him on.

Here are some pics of our activities and the cute girlies as of late:

What her sister taught her

Orchard fun

Anna and dad going for a ride out to pick apples

Run Steve Run...here he is (the one in green) at mile 16.5

Run Daddy Run...Anna on her way to cheer him on

1 comment:

Gini said...

Sounds like you guys are having a really happy fall! Loving junior high? Loving daycare? How often does this happen to people? And congrats on Hawaii, holy bikini! Can't wait to see pictures of that. :)
The girls are BEAUTIFUL. How cute to see Anna walking!
Life is good for you--- I'm so glad!