
All the Happenings

Busy Busy last couple of weeks. I have started back to school :( , Anna has started back to daycare and Alix is soon to start Jr. High at her new school! We are all very excited (even me somewhat) for this year and all that it will bring. But there were a few last things we had to wrap up before we got back to work...

We visited the State Fair so Anna could experience her first mini donut, first ride on the giant slide (with Auntie Amy), first Sweet Martha Cookie, and first visit to ye old mill (a classic!). She had a blast and so did we. She even got to pet her first baby piglet, sheepy, and cow at the Miracle of Birth barn. Luckily she was too distracted to watch the cow giving birth on the TV monitor up over head...YIKES!!

We also finished the basement!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a few details to wrap up, mostly just decorating, but all the big stuff is done and we have spent the last few nights lounging on our first big boy/girl sofa (not a hand me down!) and sharing some great family time. I'm in love with the bathroom (mix of subway tile and marble accent tiles), the computer area, and the FLOR carpet tiles that were a piece of cake to lay down (minus the few crazy cuts around the edges) and will be easy to take up and clean/change in case of any mishaps (sure to happen with 2 kids and a dog/cat!) We couldn't be any more pleased with the end result. The only thing that would make it better would be if someone would come and paint the trim for me...any takers?!

Well, gotta run eat dinner in front of the TV while I sit on the new couch...yea!!

Fun at The Great Minnesota Get Together

Anna's Crazy Hair...we're trying to grow out those bangs

Our friend Amy was the first of our group to turn 40! We celebrated with a surprise gathering at their place. It was fun to see Anna and Beckett, her son, play together since they were born just a week or so apart!

The before and after of the big basement remodel...began in February and ending in August!

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