
Long Time No See

I have lots of excuses, but little time, so I'll just promise to be better from now on and get on to business. A LOT has happened since I last blogged--namely Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Nana's 95th birthday. On top of that we have also started getting ready for Christmas...which is right around the bend. Here are some wonderful pictures to start you off...everything was so long ago that I'm not sure I can even remember what to say about it all, so captions will have to suffice. We'll work ourselves backward...

Our annual girls cookie baking madness. OK, it wasn't really madness since most of us cooked ahead of time, but it sure was fun. Here are some cute shots of the kids and ladies.

What was suppose to be our annual go out and cut down our own tree adventure turned into our go to the tree farm, be told that the cut your own is closed, and then pick one out of the lot adventure...not quite the same, but It actually worked out pretty well, since as you can from Alix's red nose she was not feeling well. Luckily we found about the most perfect tree that you can imagine. It's a siberian fir and smells wonderfully fragrant and a little bit citrusy. Later that night we ate some pizza and decorated the tree. AS you can see in the last picture it was all capped off by an Anna meltdown...

Thanksgiving at Gammy's...oh, so yummy!

Nana turned 95 and had a grand party with all her friends and family. She enjoyed sharing memories and connecting with those she loves. It was a great day!

Pumpkin carving and Halloween...what is there to say?! Alix enjoyed going to a Halloween party as a Hippie with her new Middle School friends while Anna, a pumpkin, settled for a trip around the neighborhod with her Daddy.

This is Anna all bundled up and ready to go running with MOmmy and Daddy.

Basketball in her future?! If Auntie Amy has anything to say about it.

Just pure cuteness...if I do say so myself ;)

1 comment:

Gini said...

Wow, I can hardly believe Anna's already so steady on her feet! I love Alix's hair.

Your tree is the most perfect fir shape ever. Well done!