
5 fingers, 6 toes, and maybe a nose?!

We had our "big ultrasound" yesterday!! We aren't finding out Lou-lu's sex, so this was really just an opportunity for us to see how things were going in htere. It was great to be able to see growing Lou-lu and know that once again all is going well. This u/s is considered the "big" one because it comes at a time when they tech is able to see that development is progressing as scheduled (hopefully.) The u/s tech looked for the 4 chambers of the heart, 2 sides to the brain, all the important organs, counted the fingers (5!) and toes (I thought I counted 6, but the tech swore there were just 5--even counted them on the screen for me...but I still saw something a little extra there. He is the expert though. I figure better too many than not enough, so either way we're covered ;) And measured everything--leg bones, head circumference, rump to head, etc. All checked out as normal. Little Lou-lu was less than cooperative when it came to seeing his/her face though (so we could check for cleft palatte), so I will have to stop back for another quick look-see during my next appt...I'm secretly happy about this as I'll be able to see him/her again ;) If we learned anything from this u/s we know that much like Alix, this baby is not a mover and a shaker (Lou-lou sat still the entire time...I rarely felt alix move through my pregnancy with her)...and does not like to be aroused when sleeping...could it be as sign of another girl?! (Alix sure hopes so!) Or perhaps it just shows us that Lou-lu is it has inherited a little family stubbornness (from Steve of course ;)

Not much else is new in the Bellus-Penz household. I am busy with conferences this week Tues/Thurs evenings until 8 (YUK!) Nothing annoys me more than conferences!!!!! I hate that people come when they aren't scheduled (you are not my only conference you cannot just show up and expect me to bump someone who did come at their scheduled time), people who act helpless about their child who doesn't do HW/school work (ummm, hello...take something away...TV/Video Games/Computer...your child doesn't NEED these things, especially if they can't do what they NEED to do), people who don't come at all, people who do not follow through at home....need I go on?! I'm sure glad I have a nice dinner to look forward to on Saturday though--Cafe Maude here I come (it better be good Lammers or you're in big trouble ;)

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