
Tax Rebate, Tax Schmebate and...today I'm oficially closer to 40 than 30!

what a scam...I seriously should have known better. Am I the only sucker?! I thought rebate meant...

rebate ( ) n. A deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment.

I didn't know it really meant...cash advance to be repaid later.

"The checks are an advance on next year's refunds, and most, if not all of the money, will be deducted from taxpayers' refunds in 12 months' time."



And to top it off, today I am officially closer to 40 than I am to 30...what kind of birthday present is that?! To celebrate I plan to eat a 750 calorie banana chocolate chip muffin for breakfast, a bar (or 6) from the teacher's lounge with lunch, and have pizza for dinner. It should be all right though, I've heard your metabolism speeds up after you turn 35, right?! ;)

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