
Dreadful heat...thoughts

I walk/run about 4 time a week (mostly walk these days...then try to run, just to see that my achilles still hurts and then end up walking). I always take the same route and listen to MPR Mid-morning...it's really my only intellectual stimulation. Sadly most of my life I'm an underknowledged (see...is that even a word?!) individual. So today, the heat made me suffer a bit on my walk and the talk on mid-mornign was about CEO's...yes, they make too much...blah, blah, blah...what's there really to discuss on that front (nothing in my eyes) ...So to get my mind off the heat I started to think about something my sister was talking about the other day. She teaches highschool and I think the story goes that at the end of one school year (after their senior speeches when they told stories about their lives as teenagers--their struggles/insecurities/etc) she gave them a little talk and told them that she wished they could see themselves how others saw them...I'm guessing she meant--funny, athletic, intellectual, etc. So today I started to think about how we see ourselves as adults...now being more mature (hopefully) do we have the knowledge to see ourselves as others see us? And if not, at this age do we see ourselves in a brighter, or more dim, light than others see us? Do we see ourselves as we want to be? Do we see ourselves as we used to be, refusing to see ourselves how we have changed? I guess you don't really know the answers to any of these questions unless you know what others think about you...and very rarely do we really tell people, especially the negatives. But I think we could learn a lot by taking a moment to at least reflect on who we strive to be and whether our actions truly match that outcome. Anwyay, enough thinking for one day...I am a sweaty mess (that damn heat sucked the life out of me...and apparently all the sweat!) and now it's time to get back to reality and hit the HGTV :)

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