
A work in progress...

Ah, homeownership...what a joy ;) This past weekend was a crazy one spent trying to clear out the garage so we might again be able to park in it (merging 2 households means a lot of leftover stuff!) and digging up the yard as we give into the weeds (or is it that we are overpowering the weeds) and ready the yard to be plowed under. I managed a successful garage sale (just in time to use the funds to pay for my new brakes...argggghhhhhhhhh!) Steve kept busy transplanting flowers (which have since bit the dust, but it was a nice try) before the bobcat comes to plow under the yard in preparation for sod next weekend. A successful weekend through and through!

The yard (albeit a sideways view) in progress
Steve being a manly man as he works in the yard.
well, at least the front yard looks a little better...flowers in pots/flower boxes soon to come!
Now this is what I'm talking about...soon our whole yard will look as beautiful as this!! For now we settle for one bush looking grand!

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