
Looking better already!!

A friend of mine writes her blog through the eyes of her dog...how clever. I, being not so clever and witty, have decided to try stealing her idea and writing my blog through the eyes of Steve...because I don't have a dog ;) and I'm bored. Here is the first installment...

Finally, the damn bobcat is coming and I can be done with this crappy yardwork. I have been weeding my weed infested backyard for days now and have made no progress. At least it gets me out of the house and away from the girls...girls are crazy sometimes...I didn't realize just how crazy until I moved in here... and now I am surrounded by them. Now that I think of it, how am I going to escape the crazy ladies of the house when there are no weeds to pull anymore?! Perhaps I need to sneak some weeds back into the yard while Kristin isn't looking so I have a reason to escape. Ha, I'm sneaky ;)

Here's one of those crazy girls now hammin' it up for the camera...she's right though, it DOES look better already!
I love this dirt...and look, no weeds! Now comes the sod laying next weekend...do you think Kristin will help with that? (no...types Krisitn ;)

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