
South Dakota

Summer came upon us none too quickly...school lasted until mid-june this year :( But as soon as it did come we had fun in the works. We (Steve, Krisin, Anna and Alix... and auntie Amy) headed out to Custer State Park in South Dakota to meet up with my brother, Sis-in-law and adorable nephew.

Day 1...drove halfway and stayed over in Mitchell South Dakota
Day 2...headed to the Corn Palace (you can't miss that), then headed on our way for the rest of the 5+ hours to Custer State Park. On the way we hit Wall Drug and the badlands which is always one of my most favorite places to see. It's amazing to think that anything so beautiful happened by "accident". It was a great drive...until we hit the park. It's a BEAUTIFUL park and I can not recommend it enough, but a little warning may have been nice for auntie amy who was pulling the trailer. There are several narrow (8') tunnels that we had to pass through and we prayed the whole way through. Good thing I wasn't pulling the trailer or we probably would've been stuck half way!! We get to camp after mike, lindsay and marek and just before the rain arrives. We quickly popped up the trailer and get ready for our stay. And thank goodness for that trailer...it rained every night...hard!! Hail at least 2 nights...but we were safe and sound!!
Day 3...Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse...underwhelming, both of 'em. But it was nice to show the girls those important places in history. We stopped for lunch in Custer before heading home for a nap. Campfire...and rain.
Day 4...1880s train from Hill City to Keystone. A great old steam train and a beautiful ride, just a little long for a couple of adorable little kids. Headed back for naps and then dinner at the cowboy dinner put on by Blue Bell Lodge...this was the highlight of the trip. We were pulled through Custer State Park in a wagon with a great guide who told us stories and had a sing along, on the way we saw buffalo, antelope, groundhogs, etc. When we arrived we ate steak dinners in a prarie while we were serenaded by songs. The rain/hail chased us home early, but it was still worth every penny!
Day 5...playing in Sylvan Lake...the best day. Relaxed in the beautiful sunshine while the kids played in the lake...grilled some yummy food and just enjoyed the beauty of the day and spending it with family!!
Day 6..pack up and drive about 11 hours in the car...anna was a saint the whole way (I'm sure Alix was too, but she drove with amy, so I can't be sure ;)
A delightful vacation!!

1 comment:

Gini said...

SO envious of Days 4 and 5. That's right up my Laura-Ingalls-Wilder-loving alley. :D

GREAT rainbow pic. You should frame that.