
Razzle Hollidazzle

We took Anna to her first Hollidazzle parade this past Thursday. We have tried to go every year for the past few and find it a "fun" family tradition to carry on. Sometimes our "fun" includes tears over wearing fluffy snowpants that are just not cool, other years it includes the fun of peering over 5 rows of other on-lookers because the weather is so nice and we are late, and some years (as in this year) it includs a 1.5 year old who does not like to sit still, had a short nap, and was up past her bedtime. We arrived on time...despite a disagreement in the car about which way to take. We found spots right up front, on the curb, and spread out our blanket to sit on. We let Anna wander around the street (don't worry, it is closed off) while Steve and Alix went inside to get us some hot coffee/chocolate treats. All seemed to be going well. Then...the parade started. Seems like that should be where the excitement really begins. But for Anna, it was where the excitement ended. She did not want to sit still...she writhed, squirmed, squealed (not with delight)with all her might trying to get free. When she didn't get her freedom the tears started. Luckily, just at this point along came the lights...she froze...and stared...and with open mouth quietly watched the float. Until there was a break before the next float. Then she started to squirm, squeal, make a run for it again. Then more lights...awe, quiet, and open mouth. Then break...squeal, writhe, cry. And repeat 10 or so more times. Good "fun" times that we'll remember for a lifetime. I'd show you all pictures of it, but unfortunately to add to our fun the camera was out of battery so all we have are fuzzy, dark pictures from Steve's camera. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Gini said...

I love Anna's hat and especially Alix's boots!