
Education for All--another setback

I shared my vision with PTA this past week. My goal was that they'd be willing to jump on board and help with some procedural things--namely to be a name we could use for people to write checks to when making a donation. I walked in this Monday morning to this disappointing response.

Yes, I did some research and the PTA Board discussed it as well. We feel we need to pass on running this through PTA, at least for this year. Maybe with some more documented procedures and policies we can relook at it next year.


This endeavor does not fit with the mission of the PTA. It is not a PTA sponsored program or student activity. It sets a good example and is educationally based, but it doesn't provide a direct benefit to the students as a whole.
Is this a personal endeavor or is it a Pullman sponsored event? Is it something that could be run through the school itself? We know the school has strict guidelines on what can be advertised for and participated in (do it for one, do it for all). Does this fit those parameters?
Each time the PTA accepts a donation and it is deposited in the bank account, it is considered PTA money and we take on any possible tax liability/implications associated with it, including the possibility of bounced checks and any fees associated with them.
It is a great idea and a worthwhile cause, but since it is not PTA-based, we feel we cannot take this on at this point.

I guess I look into making this a true non-profit and registering it with the state...honestly though, right now I just want to donate the money that we have to someone and be done with it all. Ugh!

1 comment:

Gini said...

What a letdown! And after you've invested so much of your own time...sorry to hear that, Kristen.