
She's Such a Trip...

Here you go, more Anna "fun"...

Want to know what Anna thinks of the world...just click and see!

It may be brief, but if you hang in there long enough you'll Anna's newest trick caught on tape. She really is getting better at standing unassisted, this video does not do it justice. She'd be set, if only she could hold still for a second...

We bought Anna a walker a couple of days ago (just like nana's ;) She has only used it once or twice and sometimes likes to suck on it more than she likes to walk with it, but she's kind of funny when she gets going. Sometimes her legs end up way out behind the rest of her, but she rarely falls (if she does it's usually backwards). I think she really enjoys the freedom of being able to get from here to there.

1 comment:

Gini said...

I love her cute slow shamble with the walker!