
Education For All

I have created a flyer for my pursuit to begin a scholarship for an ongoing education scholarhship in my school community (a program I've entitled...Education for All), but I can't find a way to post it here. I sure wish I were more techie! I will have to see if I can host it on my school website and attach a link. Until I work out the kinks, here is the main text. Check back soon for updates on seeing the "real" thing! Until then, please let me know if you have any questions or have any ideas of how I can improve what I've said. This flyer will go out to families at my school Feb.6th. Thanks for everyones guidance and support as I've been getting this program rolling. Here's hoping it's a success (meaning we can offer at least one person some money toward their educational pursuits!) Yea for lifelong learning!!!!

Education For All
scholarships for adult ongoing education

Who: People who believe in the power of education

Why: There is no better way to teach our children then through our example. Education can be a catalyst for growth, change, and empowerment. Our goal is to support adult learners in our community who seek to better their lives, and that of their families and community, through ongoing educational endeavors (GED, technical training, college classes, etc). It is their example that will guide our children to strive for success in education and in life.

Where: Pullman School Community
St. Paul Park, MN

When: Donations can be received at Pullman through February 26.

How: In an envelope, enclose your donation and Thank You Drawing* entry(ies). Return it to the school office or your child’s teacher. Drawing will take place at Pullman’s STAR program on February 27 and winners will be notified by phone. All donations will go directly to one or more adult education scholarships in the Pullman community.

Pullman Elementary School
C/O Education for All
1260 Selby Ave.
St. Paul Park, MN 55071

*Thank You Drawing--a chance to win one of 2 great gifts!
·A family fun basket filled with--Cold Stone and Blockbuster Gift Cards, dominoes game, popcorn, movie theater candy, and 6-pack of IBC rootbeer
·Autographed Joe Mauer baseball bat!

For each $5 donated please fill out one box below (duplicate forms can be printed or found in the office.) Return the entries with your donations. We will separate and add to drawing to be held on February 27th. Thank you and Good Luck!








She's Such a Trip...

Here you go, more Anna "fun"...

Want to know what Anna thinks of the world...just click and see!

It may be brief, but if you hang in there long enough you'll Anna's newest trick caught on tape. She really is getting better at standing unassisted, this video does not do it justice. She'd be set, if only she could hold still for a second...

We bought Anna a walker a couple of days ago (just like nana's ;) She has only used it once or twice and sometimes likes to suck on it more than she likes to walk with it, but she's kind of funny when she gets going. Sometimes her legs end up way out behind the rest of her, but she rarely falls (if she does it's usually backwards). I think she really enjoys the freedom of being able to get from here to there.


Anna's update and new "trick"

We visited the doctor for our 6 mos check-up on Monday. We were a little late, but it seems that our doctor also has kids and so her vacations from work often mesh with my vacations from school, but that's alright because we LOVE her! Dr. Jaeger gave Anna a clean bill of health and let us know that she was right on schedule. She was also sure that Anna was going to a mover and shaker and keep us on our toes. We would have to agree! Anna weighed in at 18lbs (85th %) and 26.5 inches (75th %) her head measured right in the middle at the 80th percentile. Anna got her four shots and she was none to happy about that. She already felt pretty crappy due to the cold we've been passing around the family, so it kind of added insult to injury. She has since recovered (from the shots, not the cold) and is back to her usual perky self.

Anna has also been working on some new "tricks". Enjoy the video below of her latest (enjoy the "comb-over" she has going on as well ;)

She also has something in the works that is sure to be videotaped soon...stay tuned.


My new Joe Mauer baseball bat has arrived!

Too bad I have to give it away! OK, it's not really too bad since it's going to a good cause (we'll draw one winner from those who donate), but it's kind of fun to have it in my house. This week we had our staff meeting and I received the opportunity to share my plan for the scholarship. Everyone seemed very enthusiastic and I heard a lot of positive feedback, so I went away from it all feeling like I am headed in the right direction! I have recently given some thought to trying to set up a fundraiser pancake breakfast at Applebees. I'm not sure how deep I want to get into this project, but at the same time I feel that since I started this I should go big, or go home...so, I am going to call tomorrow (if I say it I have to do it, right?!)--hopefully the meetings at school will subside and I'll actually have time to get it done. It would be wonderful to actually be able to give someone a meaningful amount of money towards their educational pursuits. Honestly, my biggest concern at this time is that our school community will not pull through, I don't mean the teachers/staff, but the actual families. Money is tight and most of our families are in the low-mid to low income range, so it may not be the best time to ask for donations. It is important to me that the Pullman community buys into the idea that lifelong education is important and worth sacrificing for...so I have my fingers crossed. I guess time will tell. I'll keep everyone updated on how things are going. Thanks for everyone's interest and support!

Oh yes, and I also received my very first donation from one of my sister's students. Amy had read them my plan and apparently her student donated in her parent's name as their Christmas gift. I couldn't be more grateful that she cared enough to share in my endeavor. I promise to make it a donation she, and her parents, can be proud of!


Anna Turns 6 mos!

Anna is turning 6 mos...it's amazing how the time flied by! My little girl now sits by herself (quite proficiently--mom doesn't even have to worry about tipping anymore), gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth (crawling is sure to come soon!), scoots backwards as far as the room will let her, stands while holding on to something (and at times will even travel down a table unassisted to get an object), rolls over and over and over, loves to stand and bounce and bounce and bounce and bounce...did I mention she likes to bounce?! She is learning sign language, loves to eat her fruits and veggies, and smiles almost CONSTANTLY! Anna is a true joy...we are very blessed!!

The Christmas Details

I just spent about an hour reliving every christmas detail for you, but then my stupid computer malfunctioned just as I hit publish, so now you get this.

Opened presents, Alix got her beloved cell phone (cute story about this, maybe I'll post the video of her reaction), Alix and Anna both beautiful, pageant--Amazing as usua-- brings a tear to my eye each year, Dinner at my house, Gammy's house, Penz's house, Mike/Lindsay/Marek in town from CO (Marek's growing so big!) and we had a nice visit...blah, blah, blah.

I am cranky. I need a glass of wine and a bowl of popcorn. Damn computers!