
Blue is unisex, right?!

Steve went out of town, so Alix and I decided to get crazy and do some nursery painting. Our nursery will be far from traditional with lots of bright colors. Our walls are getting painted a light aquaish-blue (which Alix thinks is too boy-y...although when asked what color she would like her room painted next, her answer is, "blue" ;) And there will be lime green and orange paint accents... with lots of other colors in the bedding. Anyway,that's the long version of me saying... the painting has begun!! One wall done and 3 to go (a big fat pregnant lady and a 10 year old can only move so fast you know.) Here are the first pix of baby Lou-lu's soon to be new digs.

Alix on roller duty

You can't read it in the picture, but Alix painted, "by your big sis Alix" on the wall.

Danger--middle heavy lady on a ladder trying to paint up high...watch out below!!

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