
Well Traveled Baby

Anna is about 12 days old today and is probably about as well traveled as they come at this point in life. We have made a trip to a friend's cabin to celebrate the 4th of July weekend...the Mall of America...the dogpark...numerous stores (Barnes and Noble, Menards, and Target to name a few)...2 restaurants...more coffee shops than I should admit to...Grandma's house...an art fair...a ton of walks...to the hospital to meet our new friend Beckett after his birth...and the list goes on. It is good to get out and about, but I must admit I forgot how tiring it just getting ready to take an infant everywhere, not to mention carrying a little one around from place to place. You would think with all the technology these days they could find a way to make those car seat carriers lighter! Luckily Anna takes it all in stride... guess she figures, why should she care where she sleeps?! Here are just a few pix from our travels, as well as some of our other "firsts".

Anna got a chance to meet her first out of town relatives when Uncle Richie and Aunt Catherine (Anna's middle namesake) came into town from New Jersey

You might not be able to tell, but this is Anna in her baby bjorn during her first trip to the dog park...can you tell Mommy took this herself while wearing the carrier ? ;) I think the dog park bores Anna.

About a week after Anna was born she got to make a return trip to the hospital...this time to meet her new friend Beckett who was born to our good friends, the Newtons. It will be so fun to watch the two of them grow up together!

Here is Anna the day after leaving the hospital...she is chillin' at our friend's (the Zimmel-Lammer's) cabin on the fifth of July.

Here is dad with his first diaper change!

Anna's first bath! She wasn't thrilled with this whole bath thing. She has since gotten better...it's definitely more fun now that she can sit in the water!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see that the Baby Bjorn is being used. Where is the sling?!? I thought the sling was the best thing since disposible diapers... :-)