
almost 40 week update

I had my last appt. at the doctor today!! I got to hang out with my favorite nurse, Sue, and she let me know that I was almost 2cm dilated and about 50% effaced. She said she could feel little Lou-lu's head so it was down nice and low...no doubt about that as Lou-lu has been head-butting my cervix (and painfully so) for the past couple of days. We are all set for induction next Wednesday morning... unless Lou-lu decides to grace us with his/her presence sometime before then (I'm not holding my breath on that though since I haven't had many contractions at all.) I will eat some spicy chinese food tonight nonetheless...it can't hurt, right?! Other than that I think it's just chillin' at home as Steve, Alix and I enjoy our last weekend without a baby in the house. It's hard to imagine that in no more than 4 short days our lives will change forever...after 10 long months of waiting, it sure seems surreal to think that there will be an end, and a baby here in the house, so soon...YIKES!!

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