
Shower--It's raining books!!!!!!!!!!

My wonderful teammates at school were kind enough to take their time and energy to throw me a beautiful and amazing baby shower. They opened their home and hearts to me after knowing me for just this short amount of time and it was very special! Being a teacher, they decided to shower me with books and now my book shelf is overflowing with wonderful stories. I can not wait to have my little one in my arms and sit with him/her and share these wonderful books as we snuggle together! I was thrilled by the variety of fun new books and good ol' standbys along with the generous other gifts that came along with them all--check out those precious spit rags that my friend Bridget made...and then there's the cute tote that Meegan made to match my room...damn, I need to learn to be crafty ;) I had a wonderful afternoon. It's been wonderful the way that the folks at Pullman have welcomed me into their school with open arms. I am thrilled that I am able to be back for at least one more year!

Love those beautiful flowers left over from the shower...sure look good in the baby's room!

books, books and more books!

cutest burp clothes ever...too cute for spit!

And this adorable tote...with these cute sayings...too cute!!


Deadliest Catch

Ah, the season begins (and I don't just mean Steve's favorite show on the Discovery channel about crab catching on the Bering Sea, although, that season has also begun...unfortunately for me ;) Last night the dog had to go out about 4:00 and would not come back in...he's stubborn that way sometime. No worries, Steve thought, I'll just leave him out there and "teach him a lesson" Yes, because dogs do not like to be outside when no humans are watching ;) Well, When I get up for work this morning I go out to get our doggie friend...and he is not there! Panic ensues, b/c Dino has gotten out before and the outcome was not pretty. I check the gate, and it is indeed open (I wonder who left the gate by the hose open??? Hmmmm...I won't mention any names, but a wonderful man I live with did mention trying to water the grass a bit before work yesterday ;) This led to a mad search in my PJs and after a few calls down the street to our friend Dino he trotted back down the street in the morning dawn with something in his mouth. It looked like a rag and I almost went to grab it...then I decided to just get him inside the gate instead. Good thing I did, because our doggie Dino has been taking lessons from our other furry friend, Honey-cat, and came home with a nicely chewed up Bunny in his clenches. Finally, I lured Dino away with a rawhide and got him inside safely...whew! I left the chewed up bunnny in the backyard for Steve to clean up. I'm pretty sure I remember my doctor mentioning some rule against touching dead bunnies when you're pregnant ;) Great...now we have 2 bunny killers in the house...just what I needed!


78 days...38 days...and the countdowns begin!

77 days until Lou-lu is "expected" to arrive...let's hope this one makes an apppearance earlier than his/her sister did (15 days late...ugh!) It's nice to see my weekends packed full of activities, and I hope that will make the time fly by...it seemed to be creeping all winter.

38 school days left until Summer Vacation!! Woohoooooooo!! (that's 8 weeks...8 weeks...that sounds SO short...YEA!) And there is more good news-- I will be back at the same grade level and school next year!! I was thinking I'd have to bid into another position (my job was a one year temporary position), but for one time in my life HR was my friend and it looks like my principal will be able to realign me back into my position for another one year temporary stint. I would've loved a full time position, but with a baby on the way I'll take what I can get. Sure beats having to pack up and haul my stuff to a new building and perhaps work with a new grade/staff next year! This will be the first time in about 5 years that I have been in the same school/grade for 2 years in a row!!

I should also mention it is only 39 days until my sweet little munchkin turns 11 years old! I can not believe that she is so big...where does the time go?! Next thing I know she'll be driving Lou-lu to kindergarten...yes, I did say "driving"! Oh my!!


Prepartum blues (It's my blog...I can whine if I want to ;)

For some reason I have been a bit depressed lately...or maybe I'm just tired...that is, tired of this big belly! I know...some people would love to be pregnant...and others just love being pregnant, but I can't help thinking that right now I would give just about anything to feel "normal" again. I'm tired of looking in the mirror, or catching a quick glance at my reflection, and seeing this HUGE lady walk by and wondering, "who is that?!" I'm tired of other people asking me, "when are you due?!" in that way that you know means, "how could you possibly be that big and still have 2 1/2 mos. to go?!" I'm tired of looking at cute "little" pregnant ladies and wishing I could be one of them, looking so put together with that glow I hear so much about...I'm tired of not having any clothes that fit or flatter my new figure. I'm tired...just plain tired...and I know there is more 2.5 more months of growing belly...awkward comments...sideways glances of shock...ugly outfits...to come.

What I wouldn't give for summer to come now, so I could be done working and just hole up in my nice little house and not have go out into this big bad ugly world full of people who probably mean well...but just make me feel, "ugh!" about being pregnant?!?!?! To top if off, I think exercising/eating right is just making me feel worse. I have been finding more time to walk, am doing prenatal yoga, have been making good food choices...and although these are all good things, I just know that it won't stop the inevitable...

Did I mention that the coffee shop down the street had my favorite coffee listed on the board this morning, but then after she served it to me said, "It's really Highlander Grogg (the ickiest thing they serve), I just forgot to change the board." If that isn't proof that I need some positive vibes in my life, what is? ;)


The Endings of a Nursery

My wonderful mommy came over today to help create the crib skirt and window valances. She worked hard and did a TERRIFIC job! That, plus the addition of some of the accessories--shelves and pictures--have brought us to the end of the nursery decorating. I'm sure we'll add a few odds and ends here and there, but for now it is DONE...and I LOVE it. I think it's the perfect little (and I do mean little--8x10), gender neutral, colorful spot for baby Lou-lu!!

Just a little side not: Alix and I have a little competition going...the battle of the lion. She moves the little yellow lion to where she likes it, then when she's not looking I move it back to where it really belongs...it's gone on for about 3 days now...and the lion has moved at least 25 times. I am determined to win though, so we'll see who wears down first ;)