

I wish I was talking about my own, but no such luck. This week my dad retires...it was a long time coming and he is finally taking the plunge to stay home full time with my mom. Watch out world! He deserves it though, so I am glad the day has finally come when he can play golf full time without resorting to calling it a "business meeting."

Seriously though, I admire my pops for numerous reasons...one of which is the great work ethic and ambition he has (and has tried to instill in me.) A man from truly humble beginnings, he was the first person in his family to go to college...and then to graduate school! But he didn't stop there... he went on to become a city planner and hold senior level positions in local government. I still have found memories of taking the bus downtown St. Paul for lunch with Dad and being in awe of City Hall and captivated by the gentle kind nature of Mayor Latimer when he popped in to say hi as I visited my dad's office. When I was little it seemed like such an important place to be, such important people to be surrounded by, and such an important job to hold...and it was. For these were the jobs that built connections as well as an ambition for even great accomplishments. In the end he ended up working at Piper Jaffrey where he was managing director in the public finance group. For 10 years he has specialized in special tax and revenue supported financings for governmental units, special purpose developments and nonprofit organizations (can you tell I stole that from their website--I have no idea what that actually means ;) And through it all...his probably greatest accomplishment was never losing sight of his family. For despite his busy schedule and many obligations, I can't recall him ever missing one of my sporting events, or not being there for a family function. It is from Piper Jaffrey that he will retire this week. They are losing a dedicated worker, a role model, and a great man!! Lucky for me I am not losing anything...quite the opposite. If anything I am gaining more time with a great man--my dad!

OK, enough (and no, I am not just sucking up b/c I will need a sitter very soon ;) I truly admire my dad's accomplishments. But more importantly I truly admire the man he is today...and always has been. I wish him the best on this new adventure called retirement and know he will tackle it with the same vigor he did his numerous jobs the past 40 years.

Congrats Dad!!

OK...this is the only picture I have of my dad on my work computer. He looks pretty good, but if you could just imagine I'm not there I would greatly appreciate it!

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