
Park it right over here.

Well, what weekend wouldn't be complete with some time in the Park?! On saturday we hit PARKview Cafe for a little breakfast (see review on the sidebar), then moseyed our way over the state fair grounds to browse the antique show (why did I thinkt that'd be fun?!) and then hiked the day away in Afton State PARK.

I always forget how beautiful the state parks are around here and everytime I leave I promise myself I'll visit more often, but for some reason I never do. Anyway, afton was quite lovelybut somehow this time it didn't quite stack up to the pictures in my mind. Perhaps it was my cranky attitude, or the hot sun beating down on us once we left the woodsy area...or maybe it was my crazy achilles which drew my mind away from the enjoyment of the surroundings, or steve's squeaky shoe...but whatever it was it left me longing for something more. Don't get me wrong. It was beautiful, and the fields of wild blackberries brought a smile (or a pucker, dependig on how carefully you chose) to our eyes! So, another day I promise to go back and find the missing piece of the puzzle that left me longing for something more.

Steve in front of our breakfast spot of the week~Parkview Cafe

Right next to the Parkview Cafe was this place--perfect for Steve...how do we get him in?!

Kristin Enjoying a few fresh blackberries at Afton

Steve doing the same?


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