
My Little Munchie!

13 short years ago my little munchie appeared in the world...what a glorious day that was!! I can't believe that such a blessing was given to me, and that she has turned out so smart, beautiful, and amazing (despite my parenting). I am so proud of the young lady has become, and I know she will only continue to amaze this world by sharing her love and gifts with those who surround her. Tonight we have family over to welcome her to teenager-hood, and this weekend she and 2 of her "Besties" will head to the Water Park of America for a day of splashing about followed by a giggling goofy girl's night at the hotel. Pray for me ;)

Pictures to come!!


Mastoidectomy, Mastoidshectomy...

Not much of a blogger lately, but never fear summer is soon upon us!! I promise to get back into the swing of things...

The big news these days is my ear surgery. The good ol' ENT (who I went to see after many recurring ear infections...out of the blue) diagnosed me (with the help of a CT scan) with needing a mastoidectomy. Basically, ear surgery. So last Thursday I went in to have a hole cut behind my ear so they could go into my mastoid bone and get out all the infection that had become trapped in the air cells. Dont' ask me how they do it...one website said something about drilling and so I stopped reading. Honestly, I didn't do too much research on it...ignorance is bliss, right?! Anyway, apparently all went well...although I sit here 5 days later with a numb ear and the side of my head that feels as if someone wapped it with a baseball bat. Other than that my jaw is just sore. But all in the name of healing, right?! I guess the hard part is that when I went in for surgery, I felt just fine. Some undetectable (to me) hearing loss, but no pain. So, to trade no pain for pain is kind of anticlimactic ;) In the long run though, I know it is the right choice...it will leave me with a healthy ear that should be able to work perfectly, and hopefully reverse the hearing loss I was having.

Here's a wonderful picture of me with my gorgeous headwrap on after the surgery...I think I look like a wrestler ;)