
Peter's Pumpkins

Had a blast today with our group of good friends...we hit the pumpkin patch (Peter's Pumpkins in Shakopee) and then headed over to the McGuires for Maid Rites and the vikes game. It was a fun time filled with good friends. We feel blessed each and every time we have a chance to get together with them!


Fall Frenzie

Fall is upon us here in MN. School has begun, the leaves are turning bright colors and we have made our first trip to the apple orchard (yes, first...there is sure to be at least one more!) We had a raucous time full of tears, apple donuts, spilt apple cider, tumbles down the hill, bags full of hail damaged apples, and yes a few giggles. I think we are still searching for our orchard home, but enjoyed Aamodts during this years search.

Other news... Anna is now going 2 days per week to the JCC (Jewish Community Center) for school. She is becoming very worldly as she celebrated sukkot and other Jewish holidays this month. We have been thrilled to see her artwork, hear her new words, and learn of the fun she is having. She still goes to Kelly's the other 3 days and can not wait to play with her girlfriends there.

Alix is now in 8th grade and is a little disenchanted with life in Jr. High. Last year it was fun and new and this year...it's just school. She is already looking ahead with apprehension to high school. She will be visiting Central (the local public school) and Cretin-Derham Hall (the local private HS) and deciding for herself which feels like home. We are sure she will make an informed decision based on what is right for her.

Steve is running the TC 10 miler this weekend. I had to bow out due to some heel problems. I'm sure he will rock the race. We are proud of him no matter what his time!!

We are also enjoying the new cabin. It is beautiful and roomy and wonderful and pictures are coming soon!!


Cabin Fun 2010

Jet skiing, water fun, boating...summer has finally TRULY begun now that we've made it to the cabin for the first time!!

Happy Birthday to Anna!!

My little baby has become a big girl. We celebrated birthday #2 Elmo style! Of course Anna was still not really aware of what was going on, but she gladly accepted and played with all of her new toys and even ate some Elmo Cupcakes that I made just for the occassion...although we had to practically drag her away from her toy kitchen to even look at them. It was a great day filled with lots of great family...the perfect way to celebrate the big day.

It's hard to believe how big Anna is getting. In the past month we have gotten rid of the nuk-y, learned to use the potty (mostly) and have learned words at a rate that is incredible to think about. It's hard to believe how much changes so quickly!

South Dakota

Summer came upon us none too quickly...school lasted until mid-june this year :( But as soon as it did come we had fun in the works. We (Steve, Krisin, Anna and Alix... and auntie Amy) headed out to Custer State Park in South Dakota to meet up with my brother, Sis-in-law and adorable nephew.

Day 1...drove halfway and stayed over in Mitchell South Dakota
Day 2...headed to the Corn Palace (you can't miss that), then headed on our way for the rest of the 5+ hours to Custer State Park. On the way we hit Wall Drug and the badlands which is always one of my most favorite places to see. It's amazing to think that anything so beautiful happened by "accident". It was a great drive...until we hit the park. It's a BEAUTIFUL park and I can not recommend it enough, but a little warning may have been nice for auntie amy who was pulling the trailer. There are several narrow (8') tunnels that we had to pass through and we prayed the whole way through. Good thing I wasn't pulling the trailer or we probably would've been stuck half way!! We get to camp after mike, lindsay and marek and just before the rain arrives. We quickly popped up the trailer and get ready for our stay. And thank goodness for that trailer...it rained every night...hard!! Hail at least 2 nights...but we were safe and sound!!
Day 3...Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse...underwhelming, both of 'em. But it was nice to show the girls those important places in history. We stopped for lunch in Custer before heading home for a nap. Campfire...and rain.
Day 4...1880s train from Hill City to Keystone. A great old steam train and a beautiful ride, just a little long for a couple of adorable little kids. Headed back for naps and then dinner at the cowboy dinner put on by Blue Bell Lodge...this was the highlight of the trip. We were pulled through Custer State Park in a wagon with a great guide who told us stories and had a sing along, on the way we saw buffalo, antelope, groundhogs, etc. When we arrived we ate steak dinners in a prarie while we were serenaded by songs. The rain/hail chased us home early, but it was still worth every penny!
Day 5...playing in Sylvan Lake...the best day. Relaxed in the beautiful sunshine while the kids played in the lake...grilled some yummy food and just enjoyed the beauty of the day and spending it with family!!
Day 6..pack up and drive about 11 hours in the car...anna was a saint the whole way (I'm sure Alix was too, but she drove with amy, so I can't be sure ;)
A delightful vacation!!


My Little Munchie!

13 short years ago my little munchie appeared in the world...what a glorious day that was!! I can't believe that such a blessing was given to me, and that she has turned out so smart, beautiful, and amazing (despite my parenting). I am so proud of the young lady has become, and I know she will only continue to amaze this world by sharing her love and gifts with those who surround her. Tonight we have family over to welcome her to teenager-hood, and this weekend she and 2 of her "Besties" will head to the Water Park of America for a day of splashing about followed by a giggling goofy girl's night at the hotel. Pray for me ;)

Pictures to come!!


Mastoidectomy, Mastoidshectomy...

Not much of a blogger lately, but never fear summer is soon upon us!! I promise to get back into the swing of things...

The big news these days is my ear surgery. The good ol' ENT (who I went to see after many recurring ear infections...out of the blue) diagnosed me (with the help of a CT scan) with needing a mastoidectomy. Basically, ear surgery. So last Thursday I went in to have a hole cut behind my ear so they could go into my mastoid bone and get out all the infection that had become trapped in the air cells. Dont' ask me how they do it...one website said something about drilling and so I stopped reading. Honestly, I didn't do too much research on it...ignorance is bliss, right?! Anyway, apparently all went well...although I sit here 5 days later with a numb ear and the side of my head that feels as if someone wapped it with a baseball bat. Other than that my jaw is just sore. But all in the name of healing, right?! I guess the hard part is that when I went in for surgery, I felt just fine. Some undetectable (to me) hearing loss, but no pain. So, to trade no pain for pain is kind of anticlimactic ;) In the long run though, I know it is the right choice...it will leave me with a healthy ear that should be able to work perfectly, and hopefully reverse the hearing loss I was having.

Here's a wonderful picture of me with my gorgeous headwrap on after the surgery...I think I look like a wrestler ;)


Finally Back

Our computer is finally back...well, the one that could be repaired, not the one that bit the dust in a big fall :( And so the blog is back as well...I know you are so grateful ;) I'm sure a lot has happened since I posted last, but I'm not sure where to start, so I'll start with what is most recent.

Alix became a world traveler and joined her gammy on a trip to Paris...yes, that Paris!! What a lucky girl!! I believe they had a wonderful trip exploring the city of light together. They saw Notre Dame, the Eiffel tower (of course), the Louvre, and of course did some shopping. I think it was the trip of a lifetime for the pre-teen.

A couple of weeks before Easter we had a wonderful Egg Hunt at one of our friend's house (the Schloos!) and hung out with our friends, searched for eggs, and played, and played, and played. It was a COLD, but sunny day and everyone had such a blast. It's always so enjoyable to be surrounded by great friends.

We had a wonderful Easter with Steve's side of the family...and look forward to visiting with Kristin's side at the Bulldog for a burger the following weekend. It was fun to see Anna run around and search for eggs...and she is so lucky to have such a great big sister to help her on all her adventures.

Spring in Minnesota came VERY early this year. We had a lot of fun splashing in puddles and hanging out in the backyard (sometimes in shorts even) before it even turned April. On the rare day it was not gorgeous we hung out at the indoor park where Anna likes to slide and have her big sissy push her in one of the sliding chairs.

Easter...An egg hunt with our friends a week before, and a gorgeous spring day for the actual event(rarely does that happen!)

Alix in Paris!!


Ringing in the New Year

What a great New Year's Eve we had this year! We were thinking it would end up being just a quiet night for us and maybe another couple, but it turned into a "rockin'" party for several of our favorite families. I can not think of a better way to spend my NYE then with our good friends and their kids, so it was a pleasant surprise when as the day drew nearer more people signed on for a fun laid back night at our house. We ate some good food, drank some yummy drinks, played some fun games (which i did not even come close to winning), rocked it out with Survivor and Duran Duran, and had some seriously funny moments--which make me laugh out loud to even think about. I even made it to the new year...who would've thunk it?! Here are some pics of the fun.