
Which is Funnier...Dogs or Cats?

Which is funnier...dogs or cats? Anna will tell you about 30 seconds into the video. I know she's my baby, but I just think she's so darned cute!


Education for All Comes to an End

Today was the last day of the Education for All Scholarship drive!!! Students and staff really pulled through in the end and I am quite pleased with the over $600 we raised for a Pullman Elementary parent to use to help defer educational expenses. I look forward to sharing the results of the winner of the actual scholarship when one is chosen. We will give parents another week or so after Spring Break to hand in their applications before a panel decides on who will receive the funds. I know it will go to a worthy individual who is setting a good example for our students by being a lifelong learner!

When I look back to how this all started I'm amazed that we ever made it to the end. It's hard to believe that it was many many months ago that I received that envelope with $40 in it...and that we turned that into $600, and a sustainable schlolarship! There were ups and down along the way, and of course I have things I wish I would have done differently, but all in all I am pleased with the outcome. Next year I'll have all the basics taken care of and be able to concentrate on my goal of finding different ways to involve the Pullman Community in a deeper way.

A big thank you to everyone who read about my vision and helped it become a reality. I have such an amazing support system-- without the encouragement and donations of you all it wouldn't have been 1/2 as successful. Thank you for the deepest part of my heart!!


Homemade Easter Outfit

So, I decided I wanted to make Anna's Easter dress this year...i don't know what got into me! My mother helped me on my first ever sewing experience and if I do say so myself--it turned out beautifully! I then decided it needed some little pants (it is Easter in MN after all), so I had a wonderful lady from Etsy.com (one of my favorite shopping places...all homemade stuff!) make me a pair of capri length bloomers. The bloomers came today, so we tried it all on...pretty darned cute, huh?!


Work in Progress

I have changed the name of the blog...it might stick, it might not. What do you think of it? leave me a comment if you like/dislike it. My feelings won't be hurt...I just got too tired to think too hard about it any more. Also, the header is a work in progress. I can get the photo to fit well without being distorted...sorry it's so big right now...

Let there be Teethies!

Anna had not been eating well the past couple of days (very unusual for our own human garbage disposal) and had been a little bit irritable lately (very unusual for our little bundle of smiles). We were all a wonder about what could be wrong with our Lil Peach...then today we get the answer...Teethies!! It was very exciting to feel her first tooth poking through...and I could write more, but I am off to the baby book to record at least her first tooth before I forget. All I know is that if the all we get for teething is a little fussy and a little less hungry, we'll take it. We are SO lucky!


Getting Ready for Easter

No time to write...already past my bedtime. Just wanted to share a few recent pix of Anna as she prepares for Easter!

My lil bunny girl

Carrot Head...Anna says, "I don't think orange is my color, but I'm still cute!"

Daddy and lil bunny

More of bunny girl...


Monkeying Around

Family day...I got to pick this month, so we headed to the minnesota zoo, and oh what fun we had...well, mostly. Anna seemed more interested in the people than the animals, Alix seemed more interested in when it was over than what was we were looking at, so that left Steve and I to be interested in the animals...which we were. We saw wolves and eagles, fish and sharks, tapirs and pythons...but no lions and tigers and bears...oh my! Here are a couple of our memories. FYI, inside the zoo is not the best place to take pictures.

Steve and Anna viewing some sort of animal


Anna--stop monkeying around!

trapsing through the jungle

Fishies are so cool!

Is that Alix actually having fun?!

Sisterly love