
Anna Catherine Bellus Penz's Dedication

This past Sunday Anna took part in our church's Celebration of New Lives. Think Baptism, but without the fancy gowns (although she did look purty in her argyle dress!), cleansing away of original sin (this is not an idea that our church embraces) and the godparents (I'm counting on everyone to help Anna along her spiritual path.) This ceremony signified a public commitment to the child by both us as her parents and by the congregation. I feel so proud that Anna will have the support of such wonderful people as she grows and begins to follow her own spiritual path...I know doing so will allow her to live a life full of integrity and joy! We followed up the event with a small family gathering at our house. It was fun to have everyone together for the day!

Wow, that's not a great picture (but it's the only one we have of the actual ceremony)

The "after party"

Our latest progression--Anna in her bumbo seat

I like it...wait....no I don't...get me out of here!!

More Pictures:

Bath Time Fun...this is actually one of Anna's favorite places. She LOVES the water and splashing around. We like to do funky stuff with her hair. Good times for everyone ;)

Sleeping...there is no bad place to do it!


We CONCUR...Steve's new job is just about perfect

Whew...Steve found a new job! In this economy, and at the end of the fiscal year (which I hear it is...not that I understand why the fiscal year would be different than the calendar year, but my lack of business knowledge is not really the subject here), we were thinking that now might not be the best time to be looking for something, and the job search might be a long haul...BUT we got lucky and Steve was able to find something just as his severance ran out! After numerous interviews and speaking to over 9 people in the company, he has been named a new account manager for Concur Enterprises which is based out of Washington, but has an office in Eden Prarie, MN (as well as other places around the country). It seems like a great fit for him and fulfills exactly what he was looking for... it's such a blessing that he didn't have to settle for something just to have a job!! He starts Wednesday!

I think we both feel truly blessed that during this "adventure" Steve was able to leave a job that was less than perfect, spend a bit of extra time with Anna, AND find a new position that should be a good fit...all without us having to dip too far into our savings! Life IS good!!

Thanks everyone for your support and good wishes during this stressful time. Just knowing that we have so many loved ones that will be there for us no matter what made a world of difference! Sometimes I wonder how we got so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives!!!!!


Giddyup...and away we go!

After one year and 3 months Steve and I finally got our wedding carriage ride. If you remember way back to the day on June 22nd, the carriage was suppose to come and whisk us away from our reception and on to the rest of our lives. Well, the carriage must have turned back into a pumpkin because it never arrived that night. However, all is well that ends well...just last night (after a great dinner at Nyes to celebrate my mother-in-law and brother-in-law's birthdays) Rolley (the white belgian) and Annie (the driver) pulled up with our carriage and whisked not only Steve and I, but also Alix and Anna, away for a family adventure. It was a great trip along Main street (Alix waved to just about everyone at St. Anthony Main ;), across the Stone Arch Bridge, along some great bike paths near the river, and finally back across the river home. The most amazing, and honestly a little crazy, part though was to think about the fact that we sat there with another little human being that wasn't even in our lives the last time we were suppose to ride that carriage. It was a beautiful evening full of sunsets, warm fall temps, beautiful scenery, lots of smiles...a wonderful way to celebrate family.

Alix and Anna

Alix as we pass over the stone arch bridge

The family

Some scenery from along the way

Rolley and Annie--our horse and driver


Alix the future photographer

Some big sisters poke their little sisters, some rock them to sleep, some call them names, others take their picture...Here is a progression that alix created...cracks me up!!

no news is good news

No news on Steve's job prospects...you know the old saying, "no news is good news", so we are happy as can be ;)

I will pass the time posting pictures of Anna--I just can't help it, she's so darned cute!!

Anna's newest favorite pasttime--her jumperoo. She LOVES making it bounce. I think she is tired of laying on the ground and is ready to finally see all that's going on around her.

I love my tummy time so much!!

An early Saturday morning walk to our favorite spot--the coffee shop!


Big Shots

Alix is now one of the "big shots" at her school...6th grade. It's hard to believe it, but my little girl isn't so little anymore. Her school is K-6, so it's not until next year that she'll transition to all of the craziness of Jr. High...thankfully! For now I am lucky that she LOVES school and is a hard worker (most of the time ;) Here she is on her first day of sixth grade...

Anna also had "big shots" today. It was her first well visit and not only did she get a clean bill of health, but she also got 3 shots (and she was none too happy about it according to dad, who was the one to take her to the appointment. Luckily, I was at work and missed all the screaming.) Apparently she is growing, growing, growing...2 inches in length (80th percentile) and up almost 2.5 lbs (90th percentile). A healthy and happy little girl!

Here she is 2 mos. old today!!

and a sly little wink just for fun

Way to go Lou-lu!!

Go Lou-lu!! 7.5 hours last night. That makes 2- 7 hour nights this week. Keep it up little lu! This could not be better timing. Baby starts to sleep through the night (fingers crossed this is not just a fluke) and I go back to work all at the same time?! Is it too good to be true? If my luck keeps up like this the next thing you know Steve will have a job.