
Miscellaneous Doodads...

Just catching up with some pictures of our excitement...or lack there of...

Steve is Tomato King...enough to feed the whole neighborhood and then some!

Home away from home...Gampy Jim and Steve work on the new tree house at the cabin...it's a toss up if this is a hideaway for Alix or Gammy.

Mr. Penz's friend and college professor (along with his lovely wife) stopped by our home on their way to Russia for a little cruise. It was wonderful to meet them!

Pics of our lovely Dino Boy...he is pure cuteness! (We have since graduated to off leash roaming at the Doggie Park.)

Alix and her friend Frances getting into the Swing of things at Nativity County Fair.


Crowded House????

Crowded who? Well,thanks to Steve and some "friends" I got my first Crowded House experience. What can I say?....not much ;) Supposedly they were big in the 80's...go figure. Luckily it's not the 80's anymore...'nuf said.

Seriously though...don't tell Steve (it'll ruin my cover)... but they were actually kind of good.

Bellus-Penz 1st Annual Back to School Blues BBQ

I now know a few things for sure...

*A hangover lasts longer at 34 than it does at 24.
*Gin should not fill 1/2 the glass
*Running for an icee can be a dangerous endeavor
*Steve has brought a lot of wonderful people into my life.
*smores are most yummy when they are burnt
*roasting smores with a metal sign post supposedly gives the best results.
*showing up fashionably late is still fashionable
*when you're in charge of the party you often forget to take pictures


Dino boy dislikes Thursdays

Dino boy...what a cutie he is...what a trouble maker he is! Last Thursday he managed to poop and pee (three times in 24 hours) in the house. This was uncharacteristic of him so we we took him to the vet. Nearly $200 later we found out that there was no medical reason for our concern...he was probably just mad at us for crating him during the day once I went back to work. All seemed fine this week, until...don don da...Thursday arrived. This Thursday I come home to poor dino boy in his crate, both him and the crate (and part of the floor) covered in poo! I'll leave out the rest of the details, but let's just say it was not pretty. Hopefully all will go well today. I just can't wait to see what next Thursday brings!